Pillow Cover Sheets
Pillow Cover Sheets
Why we design the Mpillow cover sheetMainly for hygiene reasons when we drool, or when we have dry flakes falling of from our skin, we can easily replace the cover sheet at a daily basis without washing the whole pillow.
Benefits of Mpillow cover sheet
- Easy to attatch and remove
- Easy to wash (like any othe clothes)
- Convenient and hygienic

Pillow Case
Why we design the Mpillow Case
Special shaped design calls for a special pillow case so that we can fit the our custoimsed pillow for you. The case acts as a layer of comfort when you sleep, at the same time supports the fillings within the waterproof protector.
Benefits of Mpillow Case
Made with super cooling threads, our Fibrecool material is extremely durable and gives off a cooling touch upon contact. It will cool down to your body temperature as well.
How do you fit the Mpillow Case
Follow the video intructions to fit in the pillow case properly!

Waterproof Protector
Why we design the waterproof inner protector
Our core design of the product helps to keep the fillings in shape and within its given section to mantain support when you sleep on both sides.Here is where the fillings are filled.
Benefits of Mpillow Case
Made with Terry Cotton from the outside and PVC fabric in the inside.
- Easy to wash component
- Easily replaceable.
How fill fillings
Follow the video intructions to fill up fillings in the waterproof protector

Filling Pouches
Why we design the fillings in this way?
Cater really specific height for every individuals
Our fillings techonology is able to cater to different kinds of products beyond pillows, they can be used for varrious applications, like our Mbolsters, sofas, and other soft furnitures
Benefits of Fillings
- Individual pouches with different sizes and materials to choose from
- Easy to wash
- Easy to replace
- Easy to mantain

Ear Comfort Pad
Why do we design the Ear Comfort Pad?
Causes of ear pains during sleep
- uneasy sleeping posture, or long hours of side sleeping
- Sleepers with different ear structure
How we fit the spacing for your ears?
With 1- to 1 custoimsed ear position based on your pillow size design for you.
Benefits of the Ear Comfort Pad design
- Exact position and spacing for your ears to rest
- Easy to wash, same as fillings
- Soft and comfortable design to cradle your ears